Sunday, April 8, 2012

Write as if No One is Reading!...Failure Means Nature Will Find A Way....

"Where Tree Meets Sidewalk Nature will Find A Way"

This photo (courtesy of The Matador Network on Facebook) caught my eye and my heart today.

It's Easter Sunday and I think, just as this tree meets the sidewalk, writers too, have to meet the page. Writers endure huge obstacles and challenges in the ever changing face of the publishing world. 

It's easy to lose hope, to become disillusioned by the publishing process.  On Writer Unboxed  guest blogger, author Robin LaFevers shared some poignant truths. Robin, a multi-published author and co-founder of the blog, Shrinking Violet, says, "Just as we must dance as if no one is watching, we must write as if no one is reading.

Sometimes the only way we can get to a place where we can do that is when everything else we’ve tried hasn’t worked, or has worked minimally. Years of encouraging “great writing but I’m just not passionate about it” type rejection letters. Languishing in the mid-list. Or having a career tank altogether.

Sometimes, when you have nothing left to lose is when you finally have the courage to stop holding back".

Seeing "failure" as a critical step in our process is authentic and as real as it gets.  
Just as the tree meets the sidewalk, we too will find a way.

Links and mentions...

before I forget...I also think of Allen Zadoff, author of, Girls, Food, and Other Things I Can't Have. He's worth checking out too.   Gave a great workshop at SCBWI westside schmooze.  Spoke to this so very eloquently...
