Monday, March 19, 2012

A Critical War on Books and Race. Matt de la Peña's, Mexican Whiteboy Fights Back.

I'm inspired tonight. Very inspired.  Thanks to Matt de la Pena, I've got some urgent blogging to do.

In case you haven't heard, "on Jan. 1, after a new state law targeting Mexican-American studies courses that are perceived as antiwhite was upheld, it became illegal to teach Matt' s book,  “Mexican WhiteBoy” in Tucson’s classrooms. State officials cited the book as containing “critical race theory,” a violation under a provision that prohibits lessons “promoting racial resentment.” See the attached link for the full article...Racial Lens Used to Cull Curriculum in Arizona

As a teacher, a latina and writer I must stand up and say, "No, not okay."

Stories are meant to be told.
Stories are here, like it or not.
They validate, educate, and honor.

They give us dignity and grace, as Matt de la Peña knows.

Stories make us.
They shape, define, and foster understanding.

I'm with Matt. I'm telling my story.
...sticking to it.

Censoring won't stop stories.
Censoring won't hide truths.

It's the American dream to be your story.
It's the American dream to live it, breathe it, honor it.
The dream to take your story; your life, in the direction of your dreams applies to all.

And that's exactly what I'll do.
Thanks Matt, I needed that reminder.

Got some stories to tell?... better get to it!

Si, se puede!